goals for the year

Can yall believe that 2015 is almost gone!  As I write this post during the last weeks of December 2015, I wonder how many of you guys have goals for the new year.  It seems that every year passes by faster and faster.  I doubt any of you want to be here 5, 10, or however many years later talking about the same old stuff.  We all have heard the following statements,  “I wish I had this equipment”, “If only I had the money”, “I’m about to blow up” LOL.  What if i shared with you three tips to actually make your goals for the year instead of just talking about them.  Continue reading if you’re interested.

1. Define

One of the first things you have to do to make your goals for the year is to establish what they are.  How can you go somewhere and you don’t even have a destination?  If I had to give that mentality a name, I would call it ‘goal blindness’.  Here’s a simple analogy that just came to my mind.  If a man is hungry and wants to go out to eat but doesn’t know where he wants to go, chances are he will be hungry for a while.  He didn’t establish exactly what he wanted which in turn will cause him to waste time driving around and searching for a place to eat.  Just my humble opinion, so find out what you want to achieve.

2. Write it Out

I can’t stress this one enough because, I personally know that this works.  Once you define your goals for the year, write them down.  I don’t care if you use a notebook and a pencil, notepad in your smart phone, or crayons and a coloring book.  Write that ish down!  The reason is because, it holds you accountable.  When you see it, you know you have something to shoot for. Also, write out how you plan on getting it done.  Ask yourself do you need to take a course or invest in yourself to reach that goal.  Even if you can’t actually make all of your goals for the year, I promise you will get something done which is more than before.

3. Execute

goals for the yearThe only thing that’s left after defining and writing down your goals for the year is a model that’s made famous by Nike.  JUST DO IT!!  It’s worthless if you make the first two steps and not this last one.  Remember that it takes patience and consistency to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve. On the days where you feel bored or discouraged, look at what you wrote down and push yourself.  Stop talking about what you’re going to do and show action.

I hope this has helped at least one person reading this.  I know that some of you guys may want to release a beat tape, improve on your basslines, or finally get that hosting for your website. I know one of my goals for the year 2016 is to upload at least 100 vids on my youtube channel which I know will be a TON of work.   Whatever goals you have for the year, I believe you can reach them.  You are made for a purpose so follow up on that purpose and thanks for taking the time to read this article.  Peace!


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3 Tips To Set Goals For The Year

