wobble bassOne way to move your beats from sick to very sick is to incorporate elements from different genres.  Just recently, I’ve been listening to a lot of Dubstep music and what sticks out the most is it’s use of the wobble bass.  This in my opinion qualifies as a very sick sound especially if used in Hiphop beats.   I’ve noticed that the wobble bass or any wobbly type sound is heavily used within the genre of Dubstep.  If you are into creating electronic or dance music, chances are you have some sort of software with this type of sound.  Many synths nowadays have this sound as well, but what if you don’t have the equipment with this wobble bass?

If you have any keyboard, I have good news!  You can create your own bootleg version of a wobble bass within 5 minutes.  All you need to do is follow 4 easy steps.

  1. Connect devices-Plug your keyboard into your sampler. You are going to sample a single note directly into whatever sampler you have.
  2. Find the sound– Choose whatever sound you would like to use.  I prefer to choose some type of synth bass or lowend sound.
  3. Adjust the volume– While sampling, you are going to adjust the volume up and down as you sustain a single note
  4. Tweak the sample– Now just play with the parameters of your new sample until you are satisfied with the results

You will find that not only does this serve as a wobble effect, but also a tremolo effect.  I guess it depends how you look at it.  Keep in mind that this is just a simulation technique and not the actual effect.  I think that this is a cool way to customize your own sounds, so give it a try.  Feel free to unlock a few that I made for your own personal use and check out a vid demonstrating this technique.

[sociallocker id=”1696″]WobbleBass-C [/sociallocker]

[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He9icJbkXSY”]
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Create a Bootleg Wobble Bass



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