How To Gain Confidence

Recently I was asked the question how to gain confidence in your beatmaking.  I thought this was a very powerful question.  I know that I’ve experienced many times where I felt that I just wasn’t good enough.  We as music creators may feel that our beats aren’t up to par which causes us to lose confidence in ourselves.  Honestly, this topic can apply to anyone.  Fortunately, I have 3 ways that may assist you in gaining back that confidence.

1. Stop Competing Against Others

how to gain confidenceWhen you look at someone else’s level compared to your own, that can be discouraging if they are far ahead of you.  Feelings of envy can start to build in your system which is not good.  Having your mind purely on trying to chase someone else can stress you out.  Instead of competing or comparing yourself to others, try competing against yourself.  Do a self comparison and access the progress you’ve made thus far.  You will find that once you realize how far you’ve come, you will be able to discover how to gain confidence.

2. Get Out of Comfort Zone

how to gain confidenceThis one is a big one for me personally.  We can get so comfortable with our skill set that we become stagnant without even realizing it.  After a while, our confidence level declines because we’re not seeing any improvement.  The solution is to get uncomfortable.  What I mean by this is to learn something new.  When you learn something new, it forces you to grow.  We all want to excel right?  Remember that when you learn something new, it’s going to be uncomfortable at first.  As time moves on, you will start to get better and more comfortable which is how to gain confidence as a result of reaching a higher level.  Then after you’re comfortable, get uncomfortable again with something else.

3. Do You Regardless

how to gain confidenceThe third and final tip I have on how to gain confidence is simply to do you without any apology.  Never let what someone says about your beats (especially if it’s negative) determine what you do as an individual.  I’ve learned a long time ago that you cannot please everyone.  I even did a guest blog on that topic here.  I get many dislikes on my youtube channel, but I don’t let that stop me from doing me.  Once you understand that it doesn’t matter what people think, your confidence will without a doubt rise.



In conclusion if you are ever feeling down or discouraged, think about these three tips on how to gain confidence.  Don’t let anyone stop you and remember to believe in yourself.  I truly believe you have the power to do anything that you want to do.  Continue to work on your craft and keep bangin’ out those very sick beats!  Peace!!

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How To Gain Confidence: 3 Ways That Work

